Sunday, September 20, 2009

More on where the sidewalk ends.

It's a little earlier in the day, and I've brought my camera to take pictures of this errant wilderness and my interaction with it. As I ride through, dessicated leaves sound like rain stick in the evening wind.

I met a gentleman and his young son. The man had grown up in this neighborhood, and confirmed that this was where treated water ran from the city plant to the river. The signs bear witness to this. He informed me that it runs several miles to Martin Road and the treatment plant. I looked over it on a map and this confims that there is pathway from here to there. It also shows quite a bit more land forgotten in here than any one I knew who grew up down here knew existed. On the way in you can see signs of teenagers using it bonfire, mudding, and drinking but beyond that there are a bunch of fields to the east of the water system trail.

At Hobbes Road I ran into a stream I didn't feel prepared to ford. Another day, especially since google maps shows so much more than I even realized.

I wonder who owns all this? It could be a perfect greenway, and could even be made to connect with the greenway at ditto landing.

On the stretch I've ventured through, there's plenty of room to create a gravel parking lot at each end, a strip of asphalt, and a removable vehicle barrier. This would undoubtedly make life a bit easier for the water plant, who's numerous fixtures likely need inspection. A greenway could provide limited vehicle access.

A little more at the bike blog.Unfortunately I didn't think about charging the camera until the battery died in the field. Yeah, I know.

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